
Big Ideas From Little People

Thanks to Frame By Frame and Tanya Taylor of Anyhoo Productions for this Christmas message.

Apparently TVJ declined to air this as a public service announcement as they felt it was not appropriate for their audience who they described as “poor black people”.  Not sure what exactly the problem is here but would love to know what you think….

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  1. January 6, 2010 at 9:20 am —

    I suspect that TVJ may have felt that the ad was overall too “uptown” looking – setting, kids, colour of kids? This is I agree is nuts as many of the ads on TV are set in uptown settings with various types of people. But who knows really what they were thinking…

  2. January 5, 2010 at 5:54 pm —

    First of all I’m stunned that no one commented on this post.

    Next I don’t see what the problem is either!!! The commercial isn’t asking for money! Poor and rich people have children….is it too much to ask to spend time with them? I have no idea what TVJ is getting at by not airing it for those reasons.

    Is it because the ad is filmed inside a house that appears to be pretty nice?

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