Enjoy a Jamaica Volunteer Vacation!
Are you planning a Jamaica vacation? Would you also like to volunteer for a day or two while you’re on vacation in Jamaica? In 2001 Maureen Wright-Evans wanted to find a way to combine her passion for Jamaica and her love of travel and adventure. The answer was Jamaica Adventure
West African Dance Classes at School of Dance
Waaw Waaw!, a series of West African dance classes will continue on Saturday June 12, 2010 and Saturday June 19, 2010 at the School of Dance, Edna Manley College. Additional dance sessions will be announced.
BNM Presents the Summer Preview of Swimwear by Anuna
Brand New Machine again presents Fashionista tonight with the summer preview of swimwear by Anuna, a new clothing line recently launched by Tami Chynn and Lubica. Special guest DJ Quizz plus ZJ Elektra.
Calabash 2010, a Much Needed Bright Spot, for Jamaica’s Tourism
Calabash 2010 generated some of the best news to come out of Jamaica this year. The international media sat up and took notice of the literary extravaganza that took place in Treasure Beach recently and gave the island some much needed “good press”, most notably from the Daily Beast and the
Ministry of Education Appealing for Materials to Aid Trauma Therapy Programs
The Ministry of Education, in responding to the traumatic events experienced by residents of West Kingston and other areas of the city during the recent civil unrest, is appealing for support. There is great need for items including journals for students and teachers, art therapy materials such as paint, markers,
Andy Jefferson + Maxine Gibson Exhibition at Mutual Life Gallery
Maxine Gibson and Andy Jefferson exhibit their work at the Mutual Life Gallery on Thursday 10 June at 7pm.
Helen Oyeyemi British Novelist Talks About Her Calabash Experience
For more on Calabash 2010 For more about Helen Oyeyemi
KOTE 2010 – Love, Art, Liberation
Community mural being created at KOTE 2009 Kingston on the Edge or KOTE 2010 runs this year from June 18 to 26 at various venues in Kingston. KOTE, Kingston’s urban arts festival, is a highly anticipated week of events where a wide variety of artists display some of their best
Bellydancing at Afya Saturdays
Afya offers Bellydancing this June! After an introductory workshop taught this May, Bellydance classes continue this June at the Afya Yoga and Pilates Studio at 2 Bamboo Avenue in Liguanea.
An Art Trek Through Kingston’s Galleries
Redemption Song by Laura Facey-Cooper, Emancipation Park Recently I joined a few friends to go on an organized gallery hopping trip throughout Kingston. This “Art Trek” was organized by Jamaica Cultural Enterprises, a new company formed this year to develop and market cultural tours and related activies in Jamaica. We