Cynthia Wilson’s Book Launch Now on for Friday, July 9
The launch of Cynthia Wilson’s memoir, “Whispering of the Trees”, is back on for Friday, July 9th in the Multifunction Room of the Main Library, University of the West Indies, Mona at 6p.m. Cynthia was one of the first recipients of the Earl Warner Lifetime Achievement Award for her sterling contribution
Calabash 2010, a Much Needed Bright Spot, for Jamaica’s Tourism
Calabash 2010 generated some of the best news to come out of Jamaica this year. The international media sat up and took notice of the literary extravaganza that took place in Treasure Beach recently and gave the island some much needed “good press”, most notably from the Daily Beast and the
Website on Jamaican Literature
Here’s an interesting new website on Jamaican literature definitely worth checking out. See YardEdge interview with Martin Mordecai.
Cynthia Wilson Launches New Book May 31
This event has been cancelled. Cynthia Wilson launches her latest book Whispering of the Trees, Monday May 31 at the Philip Sherlock Centre, UWI. Professor Emeritus Mervyn Morris, OM is the guest speaker.
Calabash 2010 Celebrates ‘So Much Things to Say’
Website: Check out this great review of Calabash 2010 by Annie Paul. Jamaica’s Calabash International Literary Festival will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a weekend of readings, live music, cinema and conversation at Jake’s Resort in Treasure Beach from Friday, May 28 to Sunday, May 30. All events are free and
Annual West Indian Literature Conference Starts Today
The 29th Annual West Indian Literature Conference starts on Friday presented by the Department of Literatures in English, UWI. Special guests include Lorna Goodison, Shara McCallum, David Chariandy and winners of the Small Axe Literary Competition 2009 : Tanya Shirley, Ashley Rousseau and Monica Minnott. The conference is open to
Your Help Needed for the Rotary Race to Literacy Project
A special appeal for children… Scholastic has made available to the Rotary Race to Literacy Project special books for children – with interactive features and textures. Scholastic not only makes ideal early childhood education books, but they are offering books in their packages that cannot be sourced locally – books
Bookophilia Now Buying Used Books
Bookophilia will now be buying your (lightly) used books for store credit. The store credit earned can be used to buy new books or more used books.
Martin Mordecai Book Signing of Blue Mountain Trouble
Jamaican writer, Martin Mordecai will be signing copies of his new novel, Blue Mountain Trouble, this week in Kingston. See YardEdge interview with Martin Mordecai
Peter Ferguson Launches “ChangeMakers”, 101 Portraits Of Jamaican Men In Florida
Peter Ferguson launched his book, ChangeMakers in Florida this past weekend. The launch featured an exhibition of photographs by Peter Ferguson, one of the best photographers in Jamaica at present, and unquestionably the best portraitist.