Esther Figueroa’s Launches her Environmental Novel Limbo
Esther Figueroa’s Jamaica launch of her environmental novel Limbo will be on Sunday, April 6, 11:00AM at UWI Mona at Neville Hall Auditorium (N1), sponsored by the Department of Literatures in English. Prof. Carolyn Cooper with be giving the launch talk and the author will be reading from Limbo and signing
Cockpit Country Nature Walk for the Birds
Explore Jamaica’s Cockpit Country. Inviting one and all to a Cockpit Country Nature Walk for the Birds, Sunday, December 8th, at Stewart Town, Trelawny. This is a fundraiser for Seven Oaks Sanctuary for Wildlife. For more information please contact Wendy Ann Lee at SOS-Wildlife@cwjamaica.com. For more about the Cockpit Country
“I Live for Art”, A Short Film About the First Government of Jamaica-Chinese Infrastructure Project
Here’s a film by Jamaican film maker, Esther Figueroa. Here’s what Esther has to say about the film, “In view of the planned trans-shipment port slated to be built and owned by the Chinese in the Portland Bight Protected Area off the south coast of Jamaica (jamaicaobserver.com/news/Officials-insist-Goat-Islands-must-be-protected) you might want to
Climate Change and the Caribbean – What Do We Need To Know?
The Caribbean is the most tourism dependent region of the world and also one of the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change. How does climate change affect us here in the Caribbean? Caribbean countries and economies are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Jamaica, for example,
Climate Change – What Is It All About Really?
Here’s an interesting take on what climate change is all about and what we can do about it. Since starting to work on a public education campaign for the University of the West Indies, Institute of Sustainable Development to raise awareness about how to develop more climate change resilient buildings, I’ve
Human Activities Behind Dying Caribbean Coral
A new study, led by the University of Georgia, solves the mystery of the dying Caribbean coral—as April Flowers reports in this article for redorbit.com. Plunk down a wastewater treatment plant anywhere along a Caribbean coast and watch the coral reefs nearby start dying, by a means unknown to
Home Gardening in Jamaica, Part 2
Here’s the latest update in my home gardening adventure (see Home Gardening in Jamaica, Part 1). First and most excitingly for me, after one week I’ve got some little sprouts poking up – the basil, tarragon and chives seem to be bubbling along!
Participate in a Climate Change Resilient Buildings Survey Underway Now
A study jointly funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona is now underway to ascertain the climate resilience and status of commercial buildings across the region. According to the “Developing Design Concepts for Climate Change Resilient Buildings in the Caribbean”
Home Gardening in Jamaica, Part 1
Eating in Jamaica can be a challenging thing for people like myself with unusual (or as Karin puts it “weird”) taste. I’m a pescetarian (I eat fish and shellfish, but no meat), I don’t like eggs or tofu, I prefer savoury to sweet, and I’ll eat a whole jar of olives