Happenings On The Edge

Kingston Kitchen Happening July 27th
Kingston Kitchen is on again Saturday, July 27th at Hope Gardens! Kingston Kitchen is a Jamaican food experience that showcases what Jamaicans are doing locally in the food industry, modelled along the lines of food markets or fairs that are held weekly in cities across the United States and Europe.

Calendar of Events Happening In Jamaica Each Year
There are so many super cool events happening in Jamaica every year! Here’s my attempt to compile a sort of calendar of annual events happening in Jamaica. I won’t include actual dates for some events as they change each year, but google will tell you actual dates. Please feel free

Kingston on the Edge 2016 Schedule of Events
Here’s the Kingston on the Edge 2016 schedule of events. If this is too small, try here: https://www.facebook.com/85175342479/photos/pcb.10154209845197480/10154209842807480/?type=3&theater

Kingston on the Edge 2016 Celebrates Jamaican Creativity
Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) 2016 celebrates Jamaican creativity! KOTE is an annual ten-day, multi-venue, non-profit, urban arts festival that supports and promotes positive creative energy in Kingston, Jamaica through artistic exchange and community involvement. Providing a forum outside of traditional spaces, KOTE allows participating artists to express themselves and

Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) 2016 Logo Competition
Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) 2016 – Kingston Art is Happening KOTE 2016 runs from June 17 – 26. KOTE is Jamaica’s urban arts festival which happens every year in Kingston. Past KOTEs have showcased Jamaica’s plethora of artists, dancers, actors, musicians, singers and more! Create a KOTE 2016 Logo

Kingston On The Edge Urban Art Festival (KOTE) 2016 June 17 to 26
KINGSTON ART IS HAPPENING… Kingston On The Edge Urban Art Festival (KOTE) 2016 is coming – June 17 to 26. KOTE 2016’s theme is “Connections”. The folks at KOTE this year are looking at the contextual relationships in art and the link between cause and effect. Some of the

Kingston on the Edge Exhibitions Still On
Kinston on the Edge 2015 is not quite over…if you missed any of the following Studio Exhibitions you still have time to see them & to meet the artists!! Little Women (Redbones Gallery) Chandis Fri & Sat 5pm-11pm (Show ends Sat July 4) Tarp Project (NLS Studios) Garfield Morgan Fri. 10am-5pm

Kingston on the Edge Happening June 19 – 28
It’s that time of year, Kingston on the Edge or KOTE 2015 is happening June 19 to 28th. Kingston on the Edge is an urban arts festival that features an eclectic array of art events – music, dance, film, visual arts and more! If you have a concept or idea
The KOTE Ward Theatre Project
The Ward Theatre as we know it was built in 1912 and is the third theatre to stand on the same site since 1775. It stands as a Jamaican landmark and a showcase for the nation’s culture. Its mission is to function as a civic & cultural centre thus