KOTE 2013 Features Pop-up Art Studios at Café What’s On
Pop-up art studios exhibition on all week at Café What’s On, 133 Barbican Road. Their first year participating in KOTE, Café What’s On is focusing on the incredible talents of Jamaican visual artists. A diverse selection of artists will be showcasing their skills in the Café’s pop-up studios ranging from
Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) On June 21-30
Opening night this Friday, June 21 at Redbones. See complete schedule of events: kingstonontheedge.org/schedule
KOTE 2013 is Happening
We are so happy to announce that KOTE 2013 is happening June 21-30. Right now the KOTE team is finalizing the schedule of events but you can still contact them if you have any great ideas for cool edgy events. Email the KOTE team directly at kingstonedge@gmail.com SEARCH our
KOTE 2012 Bolivar Gallery Exhibits David Muir and Maxine Gibson
Last Tuesday, KOTE 2012 featured PIECES OF JAMAICA & TURNING POINT, an exhibition by two Jamaican artists, David Muir and Maxine Gibson at the Bolivar Gallery on Grove Road in Half Way Tree. David Muir’s “Pieces of Jamaica” collection captures the candid beauty of the Jamaican people and the rich and diverse
BEYOND – A Fashion Film, One of the KOTE Short Films
Here is one of the KOTE short films, BEYOND – A Fashion Film, that was shown on Monday night, directed by Storm and Nile Saulter for Lubica‘s new 2012 fashion collection. Another of the short films shown on Monday was Astro Saulter introduces his artwork to the world.
KOTE 2012 Opening Night Features Eclectic Mix of Music, Art, Photography and More
Kingston on the Edge or KOTE 2012 opened with a bang on Friday night with an eclectic array of music, art, photograpy and bonsai trees! The Redbones Gallery had an exhibition entitled BODY. SOUL. CONSCIOUS. which presented old and new paintings by CHANDIS. On the main stage there were
Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) Urban Arts Festival 2012 Schedule of Events
Here’s the schedule of events for Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) – Urban Arts Festival 2012. Opening night is this Friday, June 22 and the festival runs till June 30. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRI22 9pm / KOTE2012 IDENTITY: THE OPENED I OPENING NIGHT Redbones – 1 Argyle Road –Redbones Blues
Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) Urban Arts Festival 2012 Starts June 22
Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) Urban Arts Festival 2012 starts June 22 and runs till June 30. See below for details on opening night at Redbones. See the KOTE website for more info! Search our archives for past KOTE events!
KOTE 2010 Ends on a High Note!
KOTE 2010 ended with a bang Saturday night as patrons young and old enjoyed the closing party held at Grosvenor Galleries. The evening showcased a variety of art, including a never before seen set of urban posters gathered over the years by Grosvenor Galleries curator Douglas Reid. This brilliant collection