Gungo Walk World Alternative Music & Arts Festival August 25
Saturday, August 25, 2012 at the Edna Manley College campus from 9:00am – 10:00pm, Joy Mechanics in association with the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts (EMC) presents Gungo Walk World-Alternative Music & Arts Festival, an official Jamaica 50 event. Its only $100 to enjoy this
What’s Happening for Jamaica 50 Celebrations
There’s so much going on this week for Jamaica 50! See the Jamaica50.com official website for a line up of what’s happening for Jamaica 50 and more!
Tipping Point – SEZI Live in Concert at Redbones Friday
We love Sezi! She’s a great entertainer – singer, songwriter and dancer! She’ll be performing this Friday, July 13 at Redbones – don’t miss it! For more info see Sezi Live. For more on Sezi see Sezi elevates Redbones. See also YardEdge interview with Sezi.
Calabash 2012 – A Literary and Musical Treat
Here’s are some links to Tallawah Magazine which has done a nice round up of some of the highlights of the Calabash Literary Festival Weekend: Olive Senior Orlando Patterson Kerry Young I especially enjoyed the musical elements. Raging Fire and No-Maddz were the featured bands on Friday night. There was a Sound
Ross Sheil Presents Writing for the Web Workshop at CARIMAC
Ross Sheil (past Gleaner writer) will be presenting a 2 day workshop entitled ‘Writing for the Web’ at CARIMAC/UWI Mona, June 23-24. It is intended to help anyone – from journalists to marketers – to write appealing content to gain traction online. Course description: “This workshop seeks to equip
The Spanish-Jamaican Foundation Participates in Reading in Spanish Initiative
Here’s an update from the Spanish-Jamaican Foundaton… In an unprecedented initiative, embassies representing Spanish-speaking countries in Kingston joined forces on Read Across Jamaica Day, Tuesday, May 8, 2012, to participate in bilingual readings at primary schools in Kingston and St. Andrew, to mark the importance of reading and learning Spanish.
Calabash Literary Festival 2012 On May 25-27 in Treasure Beach, Jamaica
Calabash 2012 is on next weekend in Treasure Beach! I’m so excited I can hardly wait! I hate to admit it but this will be my first Calabash and hopefully not my last though the future of Calabash seems rather uncertain given it was cancelled last year. This year’s Calabash
What’s Happening in Jamaica in April
There’s so much happening in Jamaica generally and this year even more so as we celebrate JAMAICA 50. Here are a few of the interesting things happening in Jamaica in April. I will be adding more events here as I get them. Feel free to add more / your events
Red Bull Music Academy Application Deadline is April 2
REMINDER!!! Red Bull Music Academy Application deadline is April 2, 2012. You can download the application from redbullmusicacademy.com/apply. When you have completed the application (including a CD of material and photo) please contact tandra@redbullmusicacademy.com. For more on Red Bull Music Academy and see Bass Camp video highlights and Red Bull Bass Camp highlights keys to music
My Favourite Things to Do in Kingston, Jamaica
In honour of Jamaica 50, we’re creating a new series of “My Favourite Things to Do in Kingston”. Thanks to Dr. Diana Chen for kicking it off with her top 11 things to do in Kingston. Diana recently left academia and is now embarking on a career as an art therapist,