Jamaican film

Twenty years ago, when a schoolboy named Omaall Wright followed an instinct that led him to become a founding member of the Area Youth Foundation, he was already a Jamaica Festival prize-winning poet and performer and in 2001 co-wrote the runner up Festival Song “Feel di Breeze”. He was co-creator

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Jamaican Artist Michele Lee Lambert

Michele Lee Lambert will be staging an art exhibition at Grosvenor Galleries from November 25th to December 10th. It will be the first encaustic ( beeswax and damar resin) art show to be staged in Jamaica. This art form predates oil and acrylic.  It was invented by the Greeks and

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Jamaican Art

Exhibition of Self Taught Jamaican Artists happening November 15.  Support Jamaican art! 

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Net Zero Energy Building Jamaica

Jamaica and the Caribbean’s first net zero energy building was officially opened yesterday on the University of the West Indies’ (UWI) Mona Campus. The 2,300-square-foot structure, situated along Gibraltar Way, is designed as a model to encourage construction of sustainable and energy-efficient buildings throughout the region. As a prototype, it

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Yoga in Jamaica
Banyan Tribe Wellness & Yoga

Once again, Banyan Tribe will be presenting “Yoga in the Hills” on Saturday, October 21st, at 4pm in the hills of St. Andrew.  “Yoga in the Hills” is an outdoor yoga and meditation practice led by Karin Wilson Edmonds, a certified yoga instructor, in a beautiful garden setting. The location

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