Check Out Karin’s New Video Series “Wellness Wednesdays”
Join Karin as she talks about her wellness philosophy, core principles and food as your medicine. Also check out her articles on Medium: “Blood Pressure Meds? No Thank You” article on Medium: https://medium.com/@karinwilsonedmond… “How I Said Goodbye To My Chubby Inner Child” article on Medium: https://medium.com/@karinwilsonedmond… About Karin

Kingston Kitchen Happening July 27th
Kingston Kitchen is on again Saturday, July 27th at Hope Gardens! Kingston Kitchen is a Jamaican food experience that showcases what Jamaicans are doing locally in the food industry, modelled along the lines of food markets or fairs that are held weekly in cities across the United States and Europe.

15 Great Vegetarian Restaurants and Veggie Friendly Eateries in Kingston, Jamaica
Lately, I have been becoming more and more interested in eating vegetarian meals, that is, plant based meals. I’m becoming convinced that this is the way to go. I mean it’s ok to have meat once in a while but not on a daily basis, this works for me at

Yoga & Brunch at Belcour – Sunday, June 30th
Back by popular demand, on Sunday, June 30 we’re having another Yoga & Brunch at Belcour Lodge, 15 minutes from Papine! Join Chef Robin Lim Lumsden and certified yoga instructor Karin Wilson Edmonds. Sunday, June 30 from 10am – 2pm. All levels welcome including beginners! Once again, we will also

10 Things To Do When You Find Yourself Marooned in Kingston, Jamaica
Here’s a guest post from my brother Steve Wilson who spends many days on the road travelling as part of Sean Paul’s management team, but Kingston is his first love when it comes to cities. Here’s his list of 10 things to do when you find yourself marooned in Kingston,

June 8th Racers Grand Prix On at Kingston’s National Stadium
The 2019 Racers Grand Prix will feature 130 athletes from 15 countries competing in 19 events. Read more: http://www.loopjamaica.com/content/shaunae-miller-uibo-kirani-james-headline-2019-racers-grand-prix

Support Jamaica Sign Language as a Second Language
Support the promotion of Jamaica Sign Language as a second language through the development and delivery of appropriate JSL training and educational resources Jamaica’s Deaf community needs this support to participate in nation building and to become included in society. Both Deaf and Hearing alike are asked to share the

Yoga Is So Cool Because…
Banyan Tribe Yoga with Karin on this week This week Karin from Banyan Tribe Wellness & Yoga will be teaching three public classes in Kingston: Gentle Yoga on Thursday at 10am at Afya (Corner of Bamboo Ave and Wellington) “Your Body, Your Yoga” on Saturday at 8:30am at In Motion

Talking Trees Literary Festival Happening in Treasure Beach May 25
Two Seasons Talking Trees Literary Fiesta returns to the grounds of Two Seasons Guest House,Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth on Saturday, May 25. Talking Trees Literary Fiesta is a culture filled event for lovers of literature. Admission free! Poetry workshop with Jamaica’s Poet Laureate, on Sunday, May 26, 2019. Contribution JA$5,500.

Blood Pressure Meds? No thank you!
How I lost 20 pounds as part of my blood pressure management strategy “So, I’m putting you on blood pressure medication”, said my GP matter- of- factly (or so it seemed to me) on a routine checkup visit. “What?! Why?” I responded in a panic. I’d always thought that my