“I Live for Art”, A Short Film About the First Government of Jamaica-Chinese Infrastructure Project
Here’s a film by Jamaican film maker, Esther Figueroa. Here’s what Esther has to say about the film, “In view of the planned trans-shipment port slated to be built and owned by the Chinese in the Portland Bight Protected Area off the south coast of Jamaica (jamaicaobserver.com/news/Officials-insist-Goat-Islands-must-be-protected) you might want to
The Jamaican Folk Singers Presents its 2013 Concert Season
The Jamaican Folk Singers presents its 2013 Concert Season at The Little Theatre, Tom Redcam Avenue – Friday, September 13 to Sunday, September 15, 2013. It’s entertainment for the entire family! Join the Jamaican Folk Singers as they pay tribute to their founder, Dr. Olive Lewin, in Tribute and Celebration.
Jamaican Doggie Sammy Doing the Roll Over
Check out Sammy, the Jamaican dog, from Goats in the Road, rolling over and over and over… I found this hilarious and too cute! Do you have any cool photos of Jamaican animals you want to share? Email us at karin@kwjamaica.com with “Jamaican animals” in the subject!
Rosetta Stone Jamaican – Product of Brooklyn
Check out this hilarious video poking fun at the way us Yardies speak! Be warned – it’s a bit raunchy, but then I guess some of us are…
Kingston Kitchen – The Night Market August 2013
Here are a few shots I took at the recently held Kingston Kitchen, Jamaica’s premier food festival. Once again a great yummy time was had by all despite the longish lines… For more photos and info on Kingston Kitchen see their Facebook page
GUNGO WALK – World Alternative Music & Arts Festival 2013 August 24
GUNGO WALK – World Alternative Music & Arts Festival 2013 will be held on August 24, 2013, starting at 10am featuring Joy Mechanics in association with Edna Manley College. The festival will beheld at the Edna Manley College campus, 1 Arthur Wint Drive. Gungo Walk is an eclectic explosion of music,
Bowden Pen Farmers Association Presents “Ancestral Memories, A Valley Sinting”
Bowden Pen Farmers Association presents “Ancestral Memories, A Valley Sinting” in honour of our African Ancestors. Immerse yourself in nature, the sights, sounds and taste of Freedom. When: Emancipation Day August 1, 2013 At Ambassabeth Cabins Bowden Pen, Upper Rio Grande Valley – Portland/St. Thomas 10:00 a.m. to Midnight
Green Lion Crew Releases Rough Road Riddim
Green Lion’s innovative reggae dubstep project, the Rough Road Riddim, featuring Jahdan Blakkamoore, Chronixx, Kabaka Pyramid, Dre Island, Zamunda and Cronsyncro is out today. BUY ON ITUNES Award-winning producer Zeke Stern, aka Green Lion, responsible for OkayPlayer/LargeUp’s #5 Top UK Dancehall Tune in 2012 (“We Run England” performed by Mr
Jamaican Artist Robin Clare Opens Dancing Words Art Exhibition in Sydney, Australia
Here’s an update from Jamaican artist, Robin Clare on her recently opened show in Sydney, Australia. “It went really well, was loads of fun on the night and sold many paintings which was brilliant. There is an amazing response and interest in Jamaican culture over here which resulted in
New Seville – Jamaica’s First Capital and One of Jamaica’s Most Fascinating Heritage Sites
The Spanish-Jamaican Foundation (SJF) and the Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) join forces tomorrow, July 12, to formally open the New Seville Exhibit, a world class Jamaican heritage site which further illustrates Seville’s place in Jamaica’s rich history. The opening will see international representatives and members of the Seville community treated to the