Helen Oyeyemi British Novelist Talks About Her Calabash Experience
For more on Calabash 2010 For more about Helen Oyeyemi
KOTE 2010 – Love, Art, Liberation
Community mural being created at KOTE 2009 Kingston on the Edge or KOTE 2010 runs this year from June 18 to 26 at various venues in Kingston. KOTE, Kingston’s urban arts festival, is a highly anticipated week of events where a wide variety of artists display some of their best
Bellydancing at Afya Saturdays
Afya offers Bellydancing this June! After an introductory workshop taught this May, Bellydance classes continue this June at the Afya Yoga and Pilates Studio at 2 Bamboo Avenue in Liguanea.
An Art Trek Through Kingston’s Galleries
Redemption Song by Laura Facey-Cooper, Emancipation Park Recently I joined a few friends to go on an organized gallery hopping trip throughout Kingston. This “Art Trek” was organized by Jamaica Cultural Enterprises, a new company formed this year to develop and market cultural tours and related activies in Jamaica. We
State of Emergency Sale at the Wanderer
For the entire month of June, the Wanderer is having a sale of 20% of all merchandise including vintage American and Mexican Silver jewelry, art, and prints. The Wanderer also has a great selection of buddahs, mirrors and other cool art and craft collected from around the world. Check out
Brina Releases Debut Double Single with Live Performance at Redbones
Brina’s upcoming performance this Friday at Redbones will celebrate the release of her debut double A side, including “Listen” and “Real Reggae Music.”
SOLE of REDEMPTION: Majesty of the Little Things
This is a must read post from my dear friend and fellow blogger, Berette Macaulay, who beautifully gives her perspective and insight on Jamaica and what has been happening here over the past few days… “Over the course of one’s life you accumulate a lot of shoes – and many
JamaicaDebate.com – New Forum to Discuss Your Views on Jamaica
YardEdge has started a new debate forum, jamaicadebate.com. JamaicaDebate was created to be your forum to discuss ideas, issues, trends, happenings, and current events in Jamaica and around the world. The idea for JamaicaDebate grew out of the recent spate of events in Jamaica concerning Christopher “Dudus” Coke and Tivoli
Tivoli Gardens and the Pursuit of Dudus – What’s Happening in Jamaica
A view near Tivoli from the railroad. © 1988 Christopher Edmonds Here’s a guest post by Diana Thorburn on what’s been happening here in Jamaica over the last few days. I think this is an accurate and fair assessment of the situation, explaining that this didn’t “just happen”. Please share your comments
Website on Jamaican Literature
Here’s an interesting new website on Jamaican literature www.jamaicanliterature.com definitely worth checking out. See YardEdge interview with Martin Mordecai.