Jamaica Yoga

Experience wellness in Jamaica
If you look at all the research, experiences are what make you happy. For more on wellness experiences in Jamaica: Our Banyan Tribe Wellness & Yoga

Banyan Tribe Presents “Manifest Your Best 2018” Workshop
Join Banyan Tribe for its “Manifest Your Best 2018” Workshop. This workshop will be a unique opportunity for us to focus on achieving our goals for 2018, identify limiting beliefs and habits and ways to change them in a safe supportive space! With every new year, we enter a time

Join the Banyan Tribe #Calm4Christmas Yoga Challenge!
Join the Banyan Tribe December #Calm4Christmas Yoga Challenge! We all know that December can be hectic what with all the rushing around that accompanies the holidays! So how about some yoga for the holidays? Banyan Tribe is inviting you to commit to a yoga home practice (even for 2 minutes) by choosing

Banyan Tribe Offering “Yoga in the Hills” – Saturday, September 23
Banyan Tribe’s Karin Wilson Edmonds will be leading “Yoga in the Hills” on Saturday, September 23, 2017 starting at 4pm. “Yoga in the Hills” is an outdoor yoga and meditation practice led by Karin Wilson Edmonds, a certified yoga instructor, in a beautiful garden in the hills of Kingston! Location

Live Well, Eat Right, Walk Good – An Afternoon of Rejuvenation by Banyan Tribe
“Live Well, Eat Right, Walk Good – An Afternoon of Rejuvenation” was presented by Banyan Tribe on August 19, 2017. The afternoon included a yoga practice by Karin Wilson Edmonds, Certified Yoga Instructor, a guided meditation by Kalaan Robert Nibonri and a talk on “Food as your Medicine” by Tehuti

Banyan Tribe Presents Live Well, Eat Right, Walk Good
Banyan Tribe presents an “Afternoon of Rejuvenation – Live Well, Eat Right, Walk Good”. The afternoon will include – Yoga with Karin Wilson Edmonds, Certified Yoga Instructor – ‘Food As Your Medicine’ Talk with Tehuti Maat, Lifestyle Transformation Consultant & Nutritionist – Guided Meditation with Kalaan Nibonri, Certified Meditation Teacher Healing foods