Jamaican literature

Citizenship Under Pressure: The 1970s in Jamaican Literature and Culture
Citizenship Under Pressure: The 1970s in Jamaican Literature and Culture is the first book-length study of the interaction of culture, politics and society in Jamaica’s formative postcolonial moment, the years between 1972 and 1980. Through examining literary and other texts from and about the period, Rachel Mordecai argues that the
Jamaican Writing to Blossom from The Lignum Vitae Writing Awards
In a move to further stimulate and develop Jamaica’s literary landscape, The Jamaican Writers Society (JaWS) have collaborated with the Jamaican Copyright Licensing Agency (JAMCOPY) to present the Lignum Vitae Writing Awards. Aimed at becoming Jamaica’s premier literary award, the Lignum Vitae Writing Awards will promote and celebrate new Jamaican
Wall Street Journal Interviews Marlon James About New Novel
Check out this interview by the Wall Street Journal with Jamaican writer Marlon James on his novel, ‘A Brief History of Seven Killings.’ According to the WSJ, “The book is a fictional, kaleidoscopic take on the 1976 assassination attempt on reggae star Bob Marley and its aftermath.” READ MORE: AT
Which of These Jamaica 50 Featured Books Have You Read?
Here’s a list of Jamaica 50 featured books that chronicle the histories of Kingston and Spanish Town and highlight pieces of Jamaica’s rich historical past. These Jamaican books comment on the realities of Jamaican life and form part of the Jamaica 50 book list complied by the JIS.
Olive Senior Launches New Book Sunday
On Sunday December 11 2011 at 11 a.m. Olive Senior wil be launching her new book Dancing Lessons at the Neville Hall Lecture Theatre (N1), University of the West Indies, under the auspices of the Department of Literatures in English, UWI. “Olive Senior was born and brought up in Jamaica and educated
Book Launch and Tribute to Wayne Brown
On Monday July 18, at 5:30 p.m., Bookophilia will launch two titles, from legendary poet, memoirist, journalist, literary scholar and creative writing teacher, the late Wayne Vincent Brown. The two collections, “On the Coast and other Poems” and “The Scent of The Past & Other Stories”, were posthumously published by
Velma Pollard Launches New Book, Considering Woman I & II
On Sunday morning, Dr. Velma Pollard’s new collection of short prose, Considering Woman I & II was launched to a large appreciative audience at the UWI. Now retired, Velma Pollard is a former Dean of the Faculty of Education. She has published several collections of poetry, including Crown Point and Other poems
Dr. Velma Pollard Launches New Collection of Short Prose Sunday
The Department of Literatures in English will host the launch of Considering Woman 1 & 2, a collection of short prose by Velma Pollard on Sunday, April 17 at 11:00am at the Multifunctional Room, Main Library, UWI. The guest speaker is Dr. Elizabeth “Betty” Wilson. Published by Peepal
Lorna Goodison, A Great Jamaican Author, Talks about Writing, Painting and Jamaica
Here’s a really interesting article on one of Jamaica’s outstanding authors, Lorna Goodison, about her new work, By Love Possessed, writing, life in Toronto, and on painting being one of her first loves… Read more at the National Post .
Bookophilia’s Top 20 Books of 2010
Here’s the BOOKOPHILIA list of the top 20 books of 2010 based on quantities of each book sold at Bookophilia. I love Bookophilia, my favorite Kingston bookstore, for more see Bookophilia, a Kingston bookstore with a difference. TOP 20 BOOKS FOR 2010: 1. Dog-Heart by Diana McCaulay 2. 9.58 My Story