Jamaican literature
Website on Jamaican Literature
Here’s an interesting new website on Jamaican literature www.jamaicanliterature.com definitely worth checking out. See YardEdge interview with Martin Mordecai.
What’s On at Bookophilia in August: From Kids Readings to Wine Tastings
August 4 – 15: Summer Writer’s Camp for young women, hosted by Jean Hawthorne with a reading on the 15th Saturday, August 9: Bookophilia Kids Reading – ‘Little Lion goes to School’ and ‘Little Lion goes for Gold’ with Kellie Magnus Saturday, August 16 & 23: Bookophilia Kids Reading –
Bookophilia discount coupon-just print to use!
Bookophiilia also collecting books for the Trenchtown Community Library. This book drive will end on August 17. Please encourage children to pass on their books that they have outgrown and bring all types of books to the store (adult, children, textbooks and novels) so that the Trenchtown Community Library can be well-stocked.
Complimentary coffee and wireless internet at Bookophilia, a Kingston bookstore with a difference
Bookophilia, a new bookstore/internet cafe opened in Kingston recently. Selling books, magazines, music, art and other assorted items, Bookophilia is a welcome and overdue “new model” bookstore that has long been common in other international cities. Located at 92 Hope Road, just below Liguanea, Bookophilia is a cozy, intimate space