Kingston Harbour – A Bird’s-eye View
Thanks to Jamaican photographer Pierre Diaz for this great shot of Kingston Harbour. Did you know that Kingston harbour is the seventh largest natural harbour in the world!
Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) Urban Arts Festival 2012 Schedule of Events
Here’s the schedule of events for Kingston on the Edge (KOTE) – Urban Arts Festival 2012. Opening night is this Friday, June 22 and the festival runs till June 30. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRI22 9pm / KOTE2012 IDENTITY: THE OPENED I OPENING NIGHT Redbones – 1 Argyle Road –Redbones Blues
New Digicel Building Downtown Kingston – A Catalyst for Development?
Here are some great shots by Berette Macaulay of the new Digicel building that just went up on the waterfront in downtown Kingston. The new Digicel global headquarters will be the most environmentally friendly major office building in the Caribbean using solar power, wind power and geothermal cooling systems. Will the
At last, a “Dub Party” on the Fault Line, Saturday, July 12
Suzanne Couch (Jamaican songstress and celebrity chef) is having a long overdue session at her house in Jack’s Hill, Kingston AKA “the Fault Line”. Naming the session a “dub party” she explains, “I decided to have a Dub party as I feel that Dub music has been such an integral