Posts Tagged
Philip Sherlock Center
Experimental Art Installation Opened At Philip Sherlock Centre
Fall From Grace Robert “Toby” Grant’s “experimental” art installation opened yesterday at the Philip Sherlock Centre, UWI. Robert Grant, a sculptor, is a graduate of the Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts. The exhibition was opened by Petrona Morrison of the Edna Manley College and is part
“ART”, A Play Presented by the University Players
The University Players present “ART” Starring: Paul Issa Alwyn Scott Munair Zacca Jean Paul Menou Philip Sherlock Center, UWI, Mona October 18 – 26, 2008 Fridays – Saturdays at 8:00 pm Sunday at 6pm For tickets call 419-6725
Michael Sean Harris Performs At Philip Sherlock Centre “Armchair Rebel-Ution”
Also check out YardEdge’s interview with Michael Sean Harris, This is sure to be a great show!