Red Bull Music Academy Jamaica
Red Bull Music Academy Application Deadline is April 2
REMINDER!!! Red Bull Music Academy Application deadline is April 2, 2012. You can download the application from When you have completed the application (including a CD of material and photo) please contact For more on Red Bull Music Academy and see Bass Camp video highlights and Red Bull Bass Camp highlights keys to music
Red Bull Music Academy Info Session Coming Up
Red Bull Music Academy is holding their Annual Application Info Session, this year in Kingston. For more info follow Tandra Lytes on Twitter/DJLytes. This is an invite only event so put in your reservation early – seating will be very limited. For more info on Red Bull Music Academy 2012 see
Red Bull Tum Tum Pa, First Freestyle Drumming Competition for Students
Red Bull Tum Tum Pa is the first Freestyle Drumming Competition for students with entrants from UWI, Utech, Edna Manley College and Mico. The idea is for participants (teams of up to four) to showcase their musical creativity, jamming with pens, pencils, rulers, scissors and erasers to create their own