Retreats in Jamaica

Banyan Tribe Presents Live Well, Eat Right, Walk Good
Banyan Tribe presents an “Afternoon of Rejuvenation – Live Well, Eat Right, Walk Good”. The afternoon will include – Yoga with Karin Wilson Edmonds, Certified Yoga Instructor – ‘Food As Your Medicine’ Talk with Tehuti Maat, Lifestyle Transformation Consultant & Nutritionist – Guided Meditation with Kalaan Nibonri, Certified Meditation Teacher Healing foods
Helen MacMillan Returns With Reconnection & Renewal Retreats
Helen MacMillan returns to Jamaica in July to give a series of retreats and workshops.
Helen MacMillan, intuitive healer and spirit guide, presents a self discovery weekend retreat in Jamaica
July 18th to 20th, Helen MacMillan and Inner Journey Retreats present a weekend retreat entitled “A Reconnection and Renewal Retreat” at Woodside, St. Andrew. This weekend promises to be a time of fun, laughter, self discovery and just plain relaxation and re-connecting to your true self. The retreat will include