Yoga Jamaica

Yoga & Brunch at Belcour – Sunday, June 30th
Back by popular demand, on Sunday, June 30 we’re having another Yoga & Brunch at Belcour Lodge, 15 minutes from Papine! Join Chef Robin Lim Lumsden and certified yoga instructor Karin Wilson Edmonds. Sunday, June 30 from 10am – 2pm. All levels welcome including beginners! Once again, we will also

Yoga Is So Cool Because…
Banyan Tribe Yoga with Karin on this week This week Karin from Banyan Tribe Wellness & Yoga will be teaching three public classes in Kingston: Gentle Yoga on Thursday at 10am at Afya (Corner of Bamboo Ave and Wellington) “Your Body, Your Yoga” on Saturday at 8:30am at In Motion

Yoga & Brunch in the Hills! April 7, 2019 at Belcour Lodge
Yoga & Brunch at Belcour Lodge, 15 minutes from Papine! Join Chef Robin Lim Lumsden and certified yoga instructor Karin Wilson Edmonds for “Yoga & Brunch” at Belcour Lodge! Sunday, April 7 10am – 2pm. All levels welcome including beginners! We will also have Gertraud Eregger accompanying the yoga with

Banyan Tribe Wellness & Yoga Launches YouTube Channel
Banyan Tribe Wellness & Yoga is excited to launch its YouTube channel! Banyan Tribe videos feature short yoga practices and meditations as well as information on Banyan Tribe’s wellness philosophy and principles. Banyan Tribe videos are created to help you to incorporate yoga and meditation into your day. Please check out

Join the Banyan Tribe #Calm4Christmas Yoga Challenge!
Join the Banyan Tribe December #Calm4Christmas Yoga Challenge! We all know that December can be hectic what with all the rushing around that accompanies the holidays! So how about some yoga for the holidays? Banyan Tribe is inviting you to commit to a yoga home practice (even for 2 minutes) by choosing

Yoga in the Hills Happening Again Saturday, October 21
Once again, Banyan Tribe will be presenting “Yoga in the Hills” on Saturday, October 21st, at 4pm in the hills of St. Andrew. “Yoga in the Hills” is an outdoor yoga and meditation practice led by Karin Wilson Edmonds, a certified yoga instructor, in a beautiful garden setting. The location