Karin Wilson Edmonds – YardEdge Creator & Editor in Chief

I’m Managing Director of Expand Management Consulting Ltd, based in Kingston, Jamaica but love blogging about wellness, yoga, Jamaican arts and culture.
I am also the Chief Wellness Officer of Banyan Tribe Wellness and Yoga. Banyan Tribe Wellness & Yoga offers yoga and wellness services, including one on one yoga classes, group wellness and corporate wellness programmes. Banyan Tribe is based in Kingston, Jamaica. Check out ourbanyantribe (at) gmail (dot) com / www.ourbanyantribe.com
I’m happy to post content by guest bloggers or other writers/content producers. Feel free to email me.
You can contact me at karin [at] kwjamaica [dot] com.
Hey there stranger…just noticed this thing…neva know it was your thing….we must talk…
Looks good though.
Love your concept and your logo. Best of luck with it.