
Liguanea Festival of Fine Art & Photography Exceeds Expectations

Charl Baker

Charl Baker

The Liguanea Festival of Fine Art & Photography, held today at Liguanea Plaza in Kingston, showcased over eighty primarily Jamaican artists (some of whom live abroad) and included painters, photographers, sculptors and potters.

Both the quality of the art presented and the organization of the event were of a high standard. The booths were well laid out, well labeled and afforded patrons the opportunity to interact with the artists, who ranged from the well-established to a variety of young and up-and-coming practitioners.

Turnout was extremely high, in spite of the ominous rain clouds that gathered over nearby Jack’s Hill (but luckily never chose to bless the gathering with their bounty). Workshops for kids were also offered in painting and clay, musical entertainment was provided by the Akwaaba drummers and a sound system playing the usual Jamaican Sunday Fair fare (no pun intended).

The Liguanea Festival sets itself apart from many similar events held throughout the year in Jamaica in that it is truly focused on the fine arts, not on arts and crafts. The range of styles and talents that the Jamaican art community has to offer is not easily appreciated outside of showcases such as this one.

Congratulations to the organizers Tony and June Wong on a job well done and we look forward to next year!

More information is available at:

Karen Carter

Karen Carter

Zawdie Reece

Zawdie Reece

Raymond Watson

Raymond Watson

Rohan Woodhouse

Rohan Woodhouse

Gene Pearson

Gene Pearson

Sonia Brown

Sonia Brown


Children participating in one of the workshops offered

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Ebony G. Patterson Looks At Jamaican Dance Hall Through Her Art


  1. Kim
    May 22, 2010 at 1:24 pm —

    Great Article – raymond watson was one of my faves!!!

  2. May 9, 2009 at 7:41 pm —

    awww look at Charlie Brown! Couldn’t make it this time Charlie – glad u gettin u proppa fawad

  3. Ian
    May 5, 2009 at 12:04 pm —

    Impressive coverage of the event. Nice to see that the arts are alive and well in Jamaica.

  4. April 29, 2009 at 12:07 pm —

    Hi Karen .. just wanted to say it was great to meet you & your husband officially!! Never knew you were “yard edge” .. nice article and thanks for the pic & including me in the mix. A great day was had by all!

    till ..

  5. Stuart
    April 27, 2009 at 12:11 am —

    Great pictures! I was planning to go this year, but I was just too lazy. It looks like I really missed something.

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