
Thank You & Come Again, Solo Exhibition by Raine Manley Robertson


With her first public exhibition of work, Jamaican-born artist Raine Manley Robertson has created a two-part show entitled, Thank You & Come Again.

In Thank You, the artist presents a powerful and brilliantly-colored series of nude self-portraits.

The second component of the show, Come Again, spotlights Manley Robertson’s keen interest with life’s more subtle and overlooked beauties, namely, the pleading sentiments, salutations, gratitudes, and unintentional poetry found on common, discarded consumer receipts.

Exhibition Opening: June 12, 2013, 7-10pm

On exhibit from June 12 – July 12, 2013

Miss Lily’s Variety

130 West Houston Street

New York, NY 10012

About Raine Manley Robertson

Raine Manley Robertson is a Brooklyn-based artist and photographer. Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Manley Robertson is the great granddaughter and granddaughter of iconic Jamaican historical figures Norman Manley and Michael Manley. Raine moved to New York City in 2008 to attend the Pratt Institute where she earned her BFA Photography degree. She currently works and resides in Brooklyn.

Receipts Receipts




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