Darren Hogarth’s New Novel Gives a Male Perspective on Love, Spirituality and Balance
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Listen to Jamaican author Darren Hogarth talk about his new novel “Whatever Sticks Most” in which he gives a male perspective on love, spirituality and the importance of balance.
Darren Hogarth started his career as a mechanical engineer, holding various different roles within the automotive industry in Canada for over a decade.
After writing, directing and acting in two plays while studying engineering in university, some friends who were also literary professors began coercing him to write a novel, since they saw that this is his true talent.
His debut novel, “Whatever Sticks Most”, was inspired by his undying wish to somehow express a male perspective on love, spirituality and the importance of balance.
The tremendous curiosity that many Canadians have expressed about his native island, Jamaica, also encouraged him to reveal a bit of an insight on the culture, topography and history of the island, by writing through the eyes of a Canadian tourist, visiting Jamaica, and fraternising with locals.
Hogarth currently resides in Oakville, Ontario.
For more about Darren see darrenhogarth.com

So great to see men writing on this subject!!
Very cool interview, I can relate to what he says about the need to find balance in our lives. I really like the cover of the book too. I am looking forward to finishing the book.
I recently got a copy of this book from Amazon.com. I just started reading it and it seems very interesting.