Jamaica Responds To COVID-19 By Ramping Up Healthy Food Consumption

Check out this story from Forbes on how Jamaica is dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic and the success of Jamaica’s “Say Yes To Fresh ‘buy local’ campaign”.
“With every crisis comes challenges and opportunities,” says Floyd Green, State Minister in Jamaica’s Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries of the devastating COVID-19 decline in Jamaica’s tourism sector, which has created supply and demand imbalances and a glut of agricultural produce on the local market.
“Never has there been a better time to address Jamaican consumption patterns, to change the big picture,” says the Minister, of government’s new Say Yes To Fresh ‘buy local’ campaign that has been enlisting the private sector to absorb the excess produce and re-educating consumers on the importance of making local purchasing and consumption decisions when it comes to food.
Read more: https://bit.ly/3bVV6hk
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