Current Affairs

SOLE of REDEMPTION: Majesty of the Little Things


This is a must read post from my dear friend and fellow blogger, Berette Macaulay, who beautifully gives her perspective and insight on Jamaica and what has been happening here over the past few days…
“Over the course of one’s life you accumulate a lot of shoes – and many of them reveal an awful lot about who you are or who you’re trying to be and most importantly, they are obvious markers of what races you’re running or which ones you fit into or not.”

Post continues here at SeBiArt’s Creative Life Journey.

See YardEdge interview with  Berette Macaulay, Jamaican Artist, Dancer, Photographer, Minding the Gap Part 1 and Part-2.

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1 Comment

  1. May 28, 2010 at 8:31 pm —

    Karin darling – thanks for the link, and for the words. Those ones too from Mystic Urchin “the clouds are crying for Jamaica”. Wow! That pulled at my heart big time; a heart that has been ACHING for home. I agree so much with you that despair is the real enemy, as it saps us of energy to fix things.

    That said, I’ve been sitting on the edge of desperate hope since this all went down, but my feet dangle over an absolutely confident dream that the passion of our people won’t let the crap-storm cover our true spirit.

    Much love and support to YE for being such a source of all things positive in Jamaica.

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