
Jamaican and British Youth Exchange Dance Styles Across the Atlantic



Jamaican and British youth are set to exchange dance styles and share stories and inspiration live on stage at Contact Theatre on 23rd February 2013.

Young people on both sides of the Atlantic have been in preparation for months for this live meeting on stage where they will have the opportunity to ask questions about each other’s life, share stories and most importantly exchange culture and meaning through dance.

This will be a unique experience where young people can share their experience of dance, what it means to them culturally and their similarities and differences.

The Jamaican young people will be beamed on to stage using telepresence allowing them to virtually dance on the Manchester stage and exchange their moves.

The young people from Calderdale will be joined by a dance troop from Dance United who will then show Jamaica what they have learnt and their own contemporary dance style, creating an exciting cultural exchange.


Dance is important for young people on both sides of the Atlantic to express themselves, connect with other people and feel a part of their communities. A young person involved in the project from Jamaica said, “Dance for many people is enjoyment, I feel free when I am doing it, it frees my soul”.

Declan and Danny from Halifax, Calderdale said “I want to find out more about what got the Jamaican’s into dance, and what dance styles they like”.

“This has been a really good experience so far, I am scared and confident about the show, the Jamaican dancers are really good!”

This project will allow a cultural exchange to be taken to the next level in front of a live audience. The technology exchange is ambitious, the dance dialogue is culturally pioneering and the young people are ready for a life changing experience. David Codling from the British Council said, “It is inspiring to see the connections and how this particular experience resonates in their lives”.

On the 23rd February at Contact Theatre expect a mix of contemporary, street and dance hall styles featuring new dance talent from Yorkshire and Jamaica. The audience will also have the chance to hear the stories of the young people themselves and learn how their lives have been impacted by the project – opening a dialogue for the exchange of ideas, promoting understanding and sharing experience.

Get ready for a truly inspiring night of dance and discussion.

Presented by Outta Place and Contact. An Outta Place project in collaboration with Dance United (Yorkshire), Manifesto (Jamaica), and The British Council. Supported by Arts Council England.


Editors Notes:

Contact Theatre Event

23rd Feburary at Contact Theatre, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6JA

Tickets £8 or £5 concessions first 100 tickets £4

Box Office: 0161 274 0600

Outta Place

Outta Place is a model which is about connecting young people through the use of dynamic and relevant creative arts activity.

We have seen how the arts can transform a young person’s life. This is our driving force, we believe all young people should have quality experiences … helping to provide a more outward focus.

Our work is project based and we also offer bespoke workshops. In and out of schools, correction centres, prisons and youth centres. Sometimes on the street, young people are always at the heart of our work.

For more info:



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1 Comment

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