Green Expo 2011 on This Weekend
GREEN EXPO 2011 is on this weekend!
The Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT) will be staging Green Expo 2011 from June 10-12th at the National Arena.
Green Expo is an environmental exposition featuring exhibits which expose the thousands of attendees, to environmentally-friendly products, services and practices.
The purpose of Green Expo is to raise public awareness, promote positive actions and provide business opportunities for the exhibitors.
In addition, the event will raise funds for the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park.
This year JCDT has partnered with the Jamaica Institute of Environmental Professionals [JIEP], who will be staging their biennial conference from Monday June 6th, 2011 to Wednesday June 8th, 2011.
The Green Expo slogan is “A Better Environment = A Better Life, do the right thing!”
This year’s overarching theme is “Balancing Development with Environmental Protection” with a sub-theme of renewable energy and energy conservation, water conservation, waste management and recycling.
For more info on the JCDT
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