
Help Protect our Fisheries – Jamaica Challenged to Raise Matching Funds

Pedro Cay, Jamaica

Jamaica Challenged to Raise U$20,000 by June 30th for Sustained Protection of Vital Fisheries.

Nature Conservancy (TNC), the world’s leading conservation organization, has received a U$20,000 donation to its Jamaica programme under its “Born to Be Wild” matching fund.

Under the terms of the fund, a donor from Jamaica must match this amount, in order for additional funds to be made available.

If Jamaica matches the donation by June 30, 2011, it stands to benefit from an additional U$40,000 in match grants for a total of U$80,000 to protect and manage two of Jamaica’s most important fishing sanctuaries.

Read more at ECCO magazine


Birds flock to fishermen's boats at landing of Pedro Bank, Jamaica.


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1 Comment

  1. July 5, 2011 at 2:06 pm —

    That water is beautiful. I hope they matched it.

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