
Join Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) Today!

Here’s a guest post from Mirah Lim Todd from Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) on what’s been going on with the organization lately and how you can help by joining JET today!

Formed in 1991,  JET is a non profit nongovernmental environmental organization which supports protection of the environment. Check out JET on facebook.

2012 is JET’s year to dream big. We want to become a self sustaining organization in the next five years. As such we’ve launched a new fundraising drive to raise J$45,000,000 (approximately $500,000 US) over the next five years for our Sustainability Fund.

In order to reach our target, we’ve set out a detailed plan and are taking a variety of approaches, including creating an updated JET information packet with a press kit folder as well as an eight page and four page booklet with the help of Pear Tree Press; increasing our individual and corporate members and reinvigorating our existing membership; partnering with private sector companies on creative initiatives like the JET and Stocks and Securities IPO project; and joining forces with party promoters like Dream Entertainment to sell tickets with part proceeds going to JET. We are excited about all our new endeavours and have high expectations that they will bring us closer to our big dream over time.

We are particularly looking forward to increasing our membership base and improving our relationship with our existing members. With all the new happenings at JET, this year is shaping up to be a great year to become a JET member. We have created several new ways in which you can help JET preserve Jamaica’s natural resources, and we’ve also come up with tokens to show our appreciation for your support.

Starting in January 2012, we’ve introduced a new membership structure. For 2012 regular membership fee is J$250 (representatives of a school or community group), $1,000 (individual) and $10,000 (corporate.) As a part of this new structure, we now have an exciting new membership levels, including a Special Members’ Club, which recognizes members who have chosen to make a special donation of between J$2,000 and J$99,999; and the Honour Roll, which honours members who have made a significant annual contribution of over J$100,000.

Each level of giving comes with unique rewards dependent on your level of contribution. Our regular members benefits include discounts on all films produced by JET and four 15% off Wendy’s coupons and more. In addition to our regular member benefits, our JET Special Members will receive a JET Membership Card with discounts to local retailers like Bookophilia, Cannonball Café, Mr. Smoothie and Sweet Belle. Our Honour Roll Members’ qualify for extra special rewards like a one year printed subscription to the JETTER magazine; quarterly updates and stories from our CEO; and a JET Champion of the Environment Award.

To help promote an increased membership base paying your JET membership fees is easier than ever before. You can pay your fees or make a donation online with a local or US credit card by clicking on the Ocean Foundation link on the Donate page on our website. For the first time, you may also pay your membership fees or donation at Paymaster Online or at Paymaster outlets islandwide. If you’d prefer, you will still be able to pay your fees by check mailed or delivered to our office.

In addition to improving our membership relations, we are also offering new ways in which you can show your support for our work. We have created an option for you to symbolically adopt a Jamaican region or animal that JET is working to protect. For J$15,000, J$25,000 and $50,000, you can symbolically adopt a Dolphin, Sea Turtle, Giant Swallowtail Butterfly, Iguana, Jamaican Tody or Pellew Island, Palisadoes and the Cays, Blue Lagoon and Font Hill.

JET is working to protect Jamaica’s natural resources. Our goal is to become a self sustaining organization in the next five year so that we can focus less on our financial needs and more on the important work we do. We need your support. You can help us by becoming a member or renewing your existing membership; symbolically adopting a Jamaican animal or region; or making a monthly, annual or one-time donation to our endowment fund. Your contribution will be used in general support of JET’s many programmes and is fully tax deductable. Thank you for your interest in preserving Jamaica’s environment.


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