
Ghett’A Life – A Must See Jamaican Movie

Here’s an interview from TALLAWAH with the director/writer/producer Chris Browne of the latest Jamaican movie Ghett’A Life to hit the big screens.

The movie is “an against the odds action drama set in a politically turbulent inner city community of Kingston. Derrick, a determined inner city teenager realizes his dream of becoming a champion boxer despite a country, community and family conflicted by divisive political system”.

Ghett’A Life is a great movie, a must see!  I think it has the power to really make people think and change lives here!

I will admit at first I was thinking I couldn’t sit through another Jamaican movie set in the “ghetto” but then the movie surprised me…

Would love to know what you think??

Please leave some comments on what you think about Ghett’A Life.

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  1. Toronto Queen
    September 10, 2012 at 10:18 am —

    I thought the movie was well done, and the charachters portrayed looked like next door neighbours..nothing flashy…and therefore bought a true reality. Thanks for the sub titles as I did find some of the patois hard to follow. (mostly the local slang words) I found it powerful and hope it travels the world… I totally enjoyed it.

  2. kimone
    September 4, 2012 at 10:57 pm —

    would like the movie.wanna watch it

  3. chima ogbonna
    December 30, 2011 at 10:44 pm —

    How I get ghetto life on dvd

  4. Denise
    August 20, 2011 at 11:18 pm —

    The movie is powerful and compelling. The story has not left my head. The idea that we all have the power to change our world is a powerful one. I hope everyone in Jamaica and abroad sees it.

  5. Christopher
    August 9, 2011 at 6:56 pm —

    The movie was meant for the former group- what a waste of time making movie just for young Jamaicans like yourself, how is that going to grow the industry much less allow the producers to recoup their expenses?

    I thought it was extremely well done – Storm shoots a slightly better movie from a creative cinematography point of view, but this one is slightly better written and edited.

    In the context of local movies it is a 9/10 (there hasn’t been a 10 yet) and in the context of global low-budget indie films it ranks quite highly as well.

  6. Andrew Robinson
    August 9, 2011 at 6:00 pm —

    “I feel that this movie was meant for two groups of people: either the people in foreign markets who don’t know that much about the garrison violence that occurs in Jamaica; or the people in Jamaica who’re all over the age of forty and feel that everyone else in Jamaica doesn’t know that this is happening. The problem with that is that I don’t belong to either of those groups and like the parties in the film (and real life Jamaica) I don’t partake in either of their parlour magic that they seem to have working on the masses and therefore a lot of the education that the main character learns throughout the runtime of the movie becomes time that I waste in the theatre.”

    That’s what I thought….

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