FilmYard Life

New Video by Nile Saulter – Pillowman

Pillowman from Nile Saulter on Vimeo.

I just love this new video by Nile Saulter.

It gives real insight into this Jamaican “Pillowman” who many of us see on the corner of Barbican Road faithfully everyday.

Thanks for this Nile.

About Nile Saulter

Nile Saulter is a cinematographer, director, editor, and founding member of New Caribbean Cinema. He graduated from the New York Film Academy at King’s College, London in 2004.

His commercial clients include Pepsi, Gatorade, Red Bull, Digicel, and PSI.

His short films have been exhibited at The British Museum in London and the Michael Werner Gallery in New York, and screened at festivals in Toronto, Nigeria, Trinidad, Barbados, Cuba, St. Lucia, Jamaica, and London, where his short film “Coast” won the award for Best Cinematography at the Portobello Film Festival in 2011.

He has directed and co-directed music videos for Bounty Killer and Blu Grass In The Sky, in addition to creating video art.

Nile recently returned from Senegal, where he conducted interviews and shot footage for the Puma-sponsored Onepeople documentary project to commemorate Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary.

He just completed his first feature film script for which pre-production will begin in fall 2014.

(Courtesy of Nile’s Vimeo site)

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