15 Great Vegetarian Restaurants and Veggie Friendly Eateries in Kingston, Jamaica

Lately, I have been becoming more and more interested in eating vegetarian meals, that is, plant based meals. I’m becoming convinced that this is the way to go. I mean it’s ok to have meat once in a while but not on a daily basis, this works for me at least.
With that in mind, when eating out in Kingston, I’m looking for places that are vegetarian or have great vegetarian options.
Here’s a list of the vegetarian options that I’ve found in Kingston, please feel free to add more in the comments. I’ve eaten at quite a few, though not all, so feel free to leave your own reviews or to disagree with mine!
- Tehuti’s Cafe – Run by Tehuti Maat, Tehuti’s Cafe serves raw and vegan entrees in a calm relaxing setting. Tehuti’s recipes are basically raw and vegan and delicious! The menu includes a variety of vegan options ranging from natural fruit juices, nut milks and cheeses, salads, pies and pizzas. Tehuti’s Cafe seeks to “bring some of the best products from nature to you the consumer with your health in mind”. A believer in food as your medicine, Tehuti also offers consultations on appointment. He’s super knowledgeable and well worth consulting with if you have health issues you’d like to address with your diet too. Tucked away off the main road, you’ll need to get directions if you’ve never been before. https://www.facebook.com/tehuticafe/
2. New Leaf Vegetarian: Located in the heart of Liguanea, New Leaf offers a good range of vegetarian options including popular Jamaican and international vegan dishes for people on the go. From falafel to gungo peas rundown, all the dishes I’ve tried have been pretty good. https://www.facebook.com/newleafvegetarian/?tn-str=k*F
3. Zoleah Cafe: A tiny place located in Seymour Park, Old Hope Road, Zoleah Cafe’s food is varied, yummy and interesting. They offer daily specials at reasonable prices. https://www.facebook.com/zoleahcafe/
4. Mi Hungry: Never been to Mi Hungry but I’ve heard the pizza’s are really great! Anybody been there please comment! Located in Market Place. https://www.facebook.com/MihungryWholSomeFood/
5. The Cheffing Don: Located on Mannings Hill Road, this place is a relatively new addition to the vegetarian scene in Kingston. Never eaten there but heard good things! https://www.facebook.com/thecheffingdoncatering/?tn-str=k*F
6. Kushites: Located in Eden Gardens Hotel, Kushite’s menu is a bit upscale and pricey but well worth it! https://www.facebook.com/KushitesVegetableCuisine/?tn-str=k*F
7. Veggie Campus Ja: This is a lunch delivery only service (I think) that offers only vegan options.https://www.facebook.com/VeggieCampusJa/
8. Natural Touch Vegan Cafe: Now located on Old Hope Rd, across from Toyota Jamaica. Lots of yummy vegan options including natural juices and yummy vegan patties.
9. Earls Juice Garden: Great variety of veggie meals and juices. Earls has been around for a long time and is located in New Kingston. Food taste good and is reasonably priced. https://www.facebook.com/earlsjuicegarden/
10. Veggie Meals on Wheels: Don’t know much about this place but I think it’s been around for a while. https://www.facebook.com/veggiemow/
11. Mariana’s Kitchen: I think this place is pretty new, this is what she says about her cooking, “I cook with love in a big kitchen”, located at 67 Constant Spring Rd (aka Marketplace)
So here are some other places which are not strictly veggie, but offer pretty good veggie options include the following:
- Chilitos JaMexican Food: Mexican food with a Jamaican twist. This is a hugely popular local eatery located on Hope Road. Though, not technically a veggie place, their menu offers a pretty good range of veggie options including my favorites – ackee and plantain and bean burritos. Some nice margaritas available here too! https://www.facebook.com/ChilitosJaMexican/photos/a.276471315712511/2206325226060434/?type=1&theater
- Indian Food: Most Indian restaurants have quite a good range of vegan options, my faves are Tamarind, Nirvana, Push Pa, Saffron.
- Lebanese/Mediterranean options: Offer quite a few reasonable vegetarian options, locations include Chez Maria (Lady Musgrave Road) and Beirut (Market Place).
- Cafe Africa: Offers both vegan and non vegan options. https://www.facebook.com/CafeAfricaJA/?tn-str=k*F
- Just Salads: Meat included in some dishes, but as the name suggests lots of veggies on the menu! https://www.facebook.com/justsaladsja/?tn-str=k*F
Actually, it’s 16 places!
PLEASE feel free to add your comments and any other place I don’t know about! I’m sure there are many more!
Cannonball has just added a vegan menu too!!
This is a great list Karin ! Thanks for sharing as always 🙂
Thanks Diane! Feel free to add if I’ve forgotten any!