Home Gardening in Jamaica, Part 2

Here’s the latest update in my home gardening adventure (see Home Gardening in Jamaica, Part 1). First and most excitingly for me, after one week I’ve got some little sprouts poking up – the basil, tarragon and chives seem to be bubbling along!
Ok, so let’s rewind a bit – last week the first thing I did was to fill 16 starter pots with potting soil, and then plant seeds in each of them (2 pots each of 8 varieties) – I put these in a translucent plastic container, watered them and covered the container and then put it on the edge of our veranda, where it gets a moderate amount of sun, mostly in the morning).

This week I planted almost the same set of seeds in the 10″ pots. My plan is to see which method works better in general, and (after buying the starter pots) I also read that a lot of people don’t like the starter pots, they just plant directly. Anyway, whatever ends up being successfully in the starter pots I will then replant into a bigger pot.

Of course, after filling and seeding all the 10″ pots, my mum told me that I should have put a bit of space material (styrofoam, etc.) in the bottom to help with drainage and to keep the soil from washing out… oops! Oh well, let’s see what happens… check back soon.
The far above the ground percentages of the fast assimilable sugar in this fruit make it a strengthening
and stuffing food. Harvard professor of astronomy Robert Kirshner
has remarked that “supernovas created the elements we take for granted–the oxygen we breathe, the calcium in our bones, and the iron in our blood are products of the stars. There are certain general yoga Asanas, which are beneficial in addition to specific ones targeting the root cause.
Hi, just wanted to mention, I liked this post. It was inspiring.
Keep on posting!