Good FoodWorth A Visit

Popular local spot Faith’s Pen- great food, good prices, mellow vibe


Roughly half way between Kingston and Ocho Rios, driving over Mount Rosser, Faith’s Pen is one of the few “rest stops” complete with a wide variety of food vendors and clean bathrooms (costs J$30.00 to use).

The menu includes jerk chicken, pork, yam, roast or boil corn, among other such staple foods of the local diet.

Faith’s Pen is a “must stop” as the food is good, prices affordable, the vibe relaxed and the bathrooms clean.

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  1. August 9, 2008 at 10:48 am —

    I love Faith’s Pen as well, and stop there when I can when I visit JA. But I take issue with your point on the food being affordable – and although not astronomical – $1,500 for two plates of curry goat w/rice was steep – and more than what I paid (at the same location) when I was down January of this year.

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