Happenings On The Edge

Brazilian Group Celebrates Five Years Promoting Peace Through Capoeira in Jamaica


“KAH-POH-AY-EE-RAH” or Capoeira  represents a vibrant and exciting cultural form invented by Brazilian maroons or “quilombolas” in the time of slavery in Brazil.

It may seem even more difficult to perform than it is to pronounce to the first time onlooker who is invariably captivated by the enchanting rhythms and unusual instruments and sounds, accompanied by powerful chants and playful acrobatic movements.

From the 20th to the 22nd of November the Grupo Cativeiro Capoeira of Jamaica will be hosting its 6th “Batizado” or belt-changing ceremonies at various locations in and around Kingston.

The main event will be on Saturday, November 21st from 3:00pm  to 5:00pm at the Girl Guides Association of Jamaica. There will also be a “Roda” or Ring at Emancipation Park on the evening of the 20th at 6:00pm in New Kingston. There will be a party and show to celebrate the events on Saturday night at Chilitos Jamexican restaurant.

A world famous Capoeira Master, “Mestre Sorriso”, will be attending the Batizado along with “Profesora Mandiga” from Manaos Brazil who will give special workshops and will officiate the belt-changing ceremonies.

Capoeira  is being taught both in inner-city communities through the non-profit sister organisation, Capoeira Alafia and in many venues uptown including the Martial Arts school (across from Mega Mart) and at many traditional high schools and popular gyms.

For many of the young participants from the inner-city this event means the recognition of their hard work and dedication and a viable alternative to the negative influences that plague them in their daily lives.

For more information contact Dennis Eckhart (Contra Mestre Simpson) 876-460-2927 or Tarik Perkins 876-360-4775


The website:  www.capoeirajamaica.org

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