Happenings On The Edge

Kingston On The Edge Opening Night 2009

Michael Sean Harris & DeVices

Michael Sean Harris & DeVices

KOTE 2009 opened to a good crowd at Redbones Blues Cafe with a documentary by director Miquel Galofré entitled “Why Jamaicans Run So Fast”. This short film was a clever and reasonably balanced look at Jamaica’s track prowess and “why Jamaicans run so fast”, a question which was never answered conclusively but answers ranged from because of the Jamaican diet of yam and bananas to the need to “tek whey yuhself” quick from gunmen.

The opening also featured a varied display of art on the lawns of Redbones including paintings, sculpture and jewelery from several of Jamaica’s young up and coming artists.

Gas Money followed by Michael Sean Harris & DeVices ended the evening. Gas Money gave their usual cool yet inspiring performance, standing out particularly with their original track “Wooden Dog”. Michael Sean Harris and and an entourage made up of two keyboardists, three percussionists, three back up singers, a violinist, a guitarist and bass player were outstanding both in terms of their polished performance and their material- most of which were original songs composed by Michael Sean Harris. They also shined on the few covers they did- Paul McCartney & Wing’s “Live And Let Die” and Paul Simon’s “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover”.

Redbones is a fabulous venue for these events, its small stage and layout affords patrons an intimate view of the performance from almost any location, while the exterior lawn is an ideal alternative for exhibitions, socializing, and getting a little elbow room when necessary. The only downside is Redbones’ slow and unpleasant bar service (a regular problem there- hint hint management).

Backup singer from DeVices

Backup singer from DeVices

Drummer from DeVices

Drummer from DeVices

Gas Money's Fabian Pinkney

Gas Money’s Fabian Pinkney

Dirk Koolmees

Dirk Koolmees

Toby Grant

Toby Grant

Kemar Swaby's "The Forgotten Hero"

Kemar Swaby’s “The Forgotten Hero”

Nancy Bourke's painted stones

Nancy Bourke’s painted stones

Nancy Bourke of Inansi Art

Nancy Bourke of Inansi Art

Nancy Bourke's masks

Nancy Bourke’s masks

Red Bull art

Red Bull art

Red Bull art

Red Bull art

Janelle Brown of Janzimages

Janelle Brown of Janzimages

JanBerry Bottles

JanBerry Bottles

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Pimento Players To Play At The Synagogue As Part Of KOTE Festival

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