YardEdge Talks To Jacquie Donaldson, Jamaican Reiki Master, On The Healing Powers Of Reiki

YardEdge: What is Reiki?
Jacquie: Reiki is a Japanese Healing Art, a form of hands on healing.
YardEdge: How does it work?
Jacquie: Reiki practitioners channel Ki (energy) through their hands directly into the body of the recipient by placing their hands lightly on the recipient. A practitioner is merely a channel for the energy, healing is actually accomplished by the client.
YardEdge: Who can benefit?
Jacquie: Anyone and everyone, any age, any problem.
YardEdge: Why did you decide to start practicing Reiki?
Jacquie: Long story short…I had a bicycle accident that left me with a herniated disc in my neck and pain 24/7. My friend had done the class and suggested I take it. I did…the rest is history.
YardEdge: Tell us about your experiences so far -what have you enjoyed, not enjoyed?
Jacquie: I have moved from a place of physical pain to being almost pain free and I now enjoy a normal life. I have enjoyed the miracles that I have seen resulting from this healing method and I have enjoyed meeting a wide variety of people who are Reiki practitioners. And I’ve had some amazing teachers. There are parts of this journey that have been difficult but I would not be where I am today without them…for example the physical pain. There is no part of the journey that I would dismiss as not enjoyed.
YardEdge: Tell us a little about yourself?
Jacquie: I have been married 22 years and have two boys 17 and 19 years old. I enjoy my cat, swimming, reading and gardening. I am a member of CIPS Toastmasters Communicators Club. I started Reiki in 2003, became a Reiki Master in 2006 and started teaching Reiki in 2007. I am currently the Vice President of the Reiki Assoication of Jamaica.
YardEdge: How has it been starting out?
Jacquie: It has been a very slow start for me. Partly because of my own lack of self-confidence and partly because so little is known about Reiki in Jamaica. I found that I was, and to some degree, still am, just making people aware of this alternative healing method.
YardEdge: Are you happy with the level of success you’re getting?
Jacquie: I’m very happy…
YardEdge: What have been your biggest challenges?
Jacquie: My lack of self-confidence and making people more aware about Reiki.
YardEdge: Biggest rewards?
Jacquie: We started a Free Reiki Clinic at the Diabetes Center and the number of times clients have said “Bless you” has been fantastic! Two private clients in particular come to mind too and every time I think about them I realize the healing that has occurred is really such a miracle.
YardEdge: Final thoughts?
Jacquie: It is difficult to explain Reiki. I could talk about it all day but one really has to experience it to understand it. 100% of the people who have a treatment say that at the very least they feel a sense of peace. If one is at peace the body’s natural ability to heal itself can work much better.
You can contact Jacquie Donaldson via her cell 819-0899 or via email iamjacs@flowja.com.
Jacquie: Thank you for the wonderfull time in Japan this trip moved all of us deeply, and certainly this blessings will pass on to your students and clients. So maybe we all might come to Jamaica for an overall Reiki healing experience! Lots of love from Mexico.
Wow! Just read about you in YardEdge, Jacquie. Very proud of you! Such a gift!
Go there Miss Jacs! I am proud of you! I am so glad that you have remained on this path and are able to offer people so much. Keep up the great work!!