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“Get an autograph now while I am pleasant” says Dominique Brown from Random Chaos, Kingston’s most chic rock chick.

Random Chaos Band

Random Chaos jammin’ at Tony’s Bar

Dominique Brown

Dominique Brown from Random Chaos

YardEdge went to see Random Chaos perform live at Tony’s Bar last week. The night featured Anthurium, Crimson Heart Replica, and Random Chaos, all of whom rocked. Band members of Random Chaos are Dominique Brown, lead singer, Craig “Flee” Lee, drums, Jason Worton, lead guitar, Trevor Thompson, bass, and Jowel Ashburn on keyboards. YardEdge had words with Dominique Brown….

YardEdge: Why are you an artist/musician and when did you first become one?

Dominique: I am an Artist because this term umbrellas what ever I want to do…..which is the goal……creating the adventure in my mind and living it with my body….we are here to ROCK….. and I am a musician because this form of art allows me full expression of my best skills. I became a musician the day I became conscious.

YardEdge: How would you describe your work?

Dominique: My music is a combination of all my experiences and all the noises in my head…….mummy likes Johnny Mathis, daddy likes Diana Ross…my sister likes country (can you believe that!!) and then there is the piano lessons and heavy metal in high school and my social awareness of jazz.…..and living in Jamaica…mix that with travel and …yeah it is a result of all that….my work.

YardEdge: What other artists/musicians have influenced you and how?

Dominique: Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Madonna, Skunk Anansie, The Noisettes, Marilyn Manson, NIN, The Perfect Circle, Tori Amos, Depeche Mode, Colin Hylton (connoisseur of music), mad gal Bjork, Grace Jones, GNR, Trent Resnor, Queens of the Stone Age, Breaking Benjamin, GRACE JONES, Ani Difranco, reggae through presence, and Church for the lesson in faith.

People who dare to follow their hearts are all admirable. I am most proud of those who choose their path and follow it through in search of true satisfaction. Satisfaction can only come from things we are meant to do and so each helps to mold a part of my creative conscious in: sound, image, delivery, musicianship, business management, creative handling….generally their success and the method to it.

YardEdge: What other interests do you have outside of creating art/music?

Dominque: I like to travel…in fact one of the most appealing ideals I have of music is the chance it brings for travel…I love to move around….my daily art…that is the thing I do everyday…interior design is much like this….it is temporary…it is transient…it requires a free mind….much like the name of the band.

I’d like to understand my humanity better so I spend a lot of time reading books on the mind and the history of us, that is, humans on earth. I think we can learn a lot from the past -we should pay attention to it. As humans it informs us of our general attitudes and as individuals it gives key insights to the self.

YardEdge: What inspires you to create/write music and how do you keep motivated when things get tough in the studio?

Dominique: Well there is nothing else that I want to do… I really believe that we all have talents and there is enough success in the universe for all of us to have….so I should be a musician/rock star/singer/architect/interior designer……….all in that order if I want and that is what I make happen everyday…..this is my life and I want to spend it being a successful musician…right now I am working on details of this plan and as all plans have success markers that need to be achieved, I am working on my markers to make it successful. This is not a choice…..I would remain an interior designer if that was the case….it is less stressful…..This is worse than indigestion induced nightmares…..it’s the white noise in the background that never goes away…not even in your sleep.

YardEdge: How have you handled the business side of being an artist?

Dominique: I do all of that. When I started I really wanted to be found and discovered…which is still a nice idea…but since I dwell in reality (on occasion) I have had to pay for all my thingamajigs(equipment, shows, art etc)… its makes you a better artist…you know your value and you know the cost…makes for a distilling good work ethic.

YardEdge: How would your life change if you were no longer allowed to create art?

Dominique: That’s not possible…I am art.

Dominique and Jason

YardEdge: What are the best and worst parts of being an artist/musician?

Dominique: Best part….I get to be myself. Worst part… I am in charge of being myself.

YardEdge: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Dominique: I am sure the universe will surprise me…….let see.

YardEdge: Has your style changed at all through the years?

Dominique: I don’t know if I have a style…as you grow at your skill you improve…so you get better at playing and writing. The style, if you will, is always evolving via internal changes and environmental influences.

YardEdge: How do you get yourself in the mood to perform?

Dominique: If I have a show on any night I use the day as the warm up. I run over the songs until I am comfortable with the texture and meaning for each song. I then project in my mind the delivery I am expecting of my self and work this out to develop the atmosphere and the attitude necessary I would need to project. I focus on this energy by feeding it through music.

YardEdge: If you could be doing anything you wanted, what would that be?

Dominique: Music full time as a well paying gig.

YardEdge: How have you developed your skill?

Dominique: Practice and practice some more…and then go to classes and practice. Then practice to play.

YardEdge: When did you learn how to play guitar?

Dominique: Two years now….I couldn’t get a guitarist so I learned.

YardEdge: What other instruments can you play?

Dominique: The piano.

YardEdge: What’s your earliest memory of making music?

Dominique: Micheal Jackson on tele and me backing him up..round 5.

YardEdge: How did you get started as an artist/musician?

Dominique: Well the white noise in the background finally met its match when I saw Mile High perform at a CFW party…At the time I swore that if the lead…Tessanne Chin (great voice) needed a backup I would quite smoking cigarettes….well she quit the band and I was asked to audition…later to be told I could not sing or write music……there is nothing like…’you can’t’ to inspire a reaction.

That was December 04 and by January 05 people kept popping into my life to make it a possibility. My current drummer Craig Lee and my lead guitarist Jason Worton are part of that core group. Others include Jason Shim and Wayne McGregor.

YardEdge: Last CD you bought/downloaded/shoplifted?

Dominique: The Bravery – the sun and moon complete, Fall Out Boy – from under the cock tree.

YardEdge: Sex, drugs or rock n roll?

Dominique: …….ALL the way BABY.

YardEdge: How would people who know you describe you?

Dominique: Slight case of missing JESUS.

YardEdge: What makes you feel the happiest when you’re doing it?

Dominique: Music.

YardEdge: Were you a good girl growing up?

Dominique: No I gave a lot of trouble….I was taller than most of the boys in high school…

YardEdge: What’s going on in your head when you’re performing?

Dominique: Don’t know never thought about it….I think most times I am trying to remember the song and not #$%^ it up.

YardEdge: What makes you happy?

Dominique: Music.

YardEdge: What makes you sad?

Dominique: ….the motherfu54ers who have managed to brainwash society….

YardEdge: What really irritates you?

Dominique: ….the motherfu54ers who have managed to brainwash society….

YardEdge: Last book you read?

Dominique: Siddhartha – Heman Hesse

YardEdge: Favourite film?

Dominique: Right now….”The Devil Wears Prada”….I was in love with “Legally Blonde” before that.

YardEdge: Quote us your favourite song lyric?

Dominique: …..from Death is Coming…’you bleed to know you’re alive.’

YardEdge: Any close encounters with the law?

Dominique: What is close…I am a good girl

YardEdge: Any regrets?

Dominique: No..I am doing this my way (advice always welcomed).

YardEdge: Tell us a secret?

Dominique: Get an autograph now while I am pleasant.

YardEdge: Final thoughts?

Dominique: One life….make it what you what it to be or die trying.

Random Chaos

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  3. james
    July 7, 2008 at 11:47 pm —

    great interview! can’t wait to see a live performance!!

  4. Smoothie
    June 26, 2008 at 12:13 pm —

    Dommmmmmmm!!!! You Rock!!! Congrats!!!

  5. Soos
    June 22, 2008 at 10:10 am —

    Fantastic to see u r following ur dream…keep it up..u r a star!

  6. Danyu
    June 18, 2008 at 2:45 pm —

    Hey cuz we are real proud of you keep up the good work we are all rooting for you.Hey i will get my autograph personally at the family reunion.

    From Danyu & Danya,Uncle Neville,Auntie Elaine and Shani Dacres-Lovideer

  7. garth wilson
    June 18, 2008 at 1:09 am —

    You’re definately art my girl, It’s evident from what’s coming from the inside, and obvious from you see on the outside.

    It’s always not easy to read a piece of abstract, but i did it in less than (1) one minute the first time i met you because i am an artist myself.

    The sky’s the limit DOM
    continue to paint.

  8. nickpow
    June 17, 2008 at 5:12 pm —

    well she definitely said it all…..mad and crazy “Random Chaos” a true artist one of those persons that you meet at first its like hmmmmmmm? but afterwards you can’t help but love them…doms u must get to the top of your game babes, no doubt.

    nuff love & blessings

  9. Raoul Snelder
    June 17, 2008 at 5:11 pm —

    J’adore ton culot ! – and I hope your French is good enough, if not I might be in trouble !
    And where can one hear you when in Africa ?
    Getting very curious.

  10. Bex
    June 17, 2008 at 4:59 pm —

    this is obviously a rockstar on the rise! so where exactly do I line-up for her autograph???

  11. burrokeet
    June 17, 2008 at 4:50 pm —

    Dominique is very tall and possibly also not short

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