
Dub Poet Charlie Bobus Launches First Video

Here’s the first video from International Motivational Dub Poet Charlie Bobus from his album, the Dub Poem Creative Energy, just launched in Canada.

The video features children making humble toys from recycled box drink cartons and toy wheels made from a garden hose and clothes hanger.

The video was shot in the Grantspen community in Kingston, Jamaica. The guitarist is Chalice’s Wayne Armond.

See YardEdge’s interview with Charlie Bobus Motivating the masses with a positive message, part 1 and part 2, I didn’t choose dub poetry, dub poetry chose me.

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  1. fabian thomas
    May 21, 2011 at 7:20 pm —

    Congrats Charlie Bobus!

  2. May 21, 2011 at 12:42 pm —

    I remember going to Jamaica every year when I was a kid and playing with the new inventions the local kids made. I would discard my fancy ‘up a foreign’ toys to play with bottle caps and dandi shandi. This just shows how much more interesting creative energy truly is.

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