
Discussion on the Progress of the Downtown Kingston Redevelopment Project

Harbour Front Downtown Kingston
Harbour Front Downtown Kingston

The Department of Geography and Geology in association with the Jamaica Geographical Society presents a panel discussion on the progress of the the downtown Kingston Redevelopment Project.

The panelists are,

Anrdrine McLaren – KSAC

Simone McCulloch – NEPA

Imran Forbes – KSAC

Allison Richards – PIOJ

When:  Thursday, March 31

Time:  2pm – 4pm

Where: Lab 1, The Department of Geography and Geology, UWI Mona

For more information contact Dr. Kevon Rhiney at 418-2233.



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  1. March 31, 2011 at 1:32 pm —

    This redevelopment project would be a breath of fresh air for downtown Kingston. Downtown Kingston is full of culture and history and this new development should make it look as such.

  2. Bethany Sherlock
    March 30, 2011 at 10:53 am —

    I can’t wait for downtown Kingston to be developed and look like a capital’s downtown should look. It is such a shame to drive from the airport thru downtown and see the state it is in. I am so proud to be a Jamaican, but embarassed of the capital and sending friends to the Island and have the feedback I get from the downtown area.

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