Discussion on the Progress of the Downtown Kingston Redevelopment Project

The Department of Geography and Geology in association with the Jamaica Geographical Society presents a panel discussion on the progress of the the downtown Kingston Redevelopment Project.
The panelists are,
Anrdrine McLaren – KSAC
Simone McCulloch – NEPA
Imran Forbes – KSAC
Allison Richards – PIOJ
When: Thursday, March 31
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Where: Lab 1, The Department of Geography and Geology, UWI Mona
For more information contact Dr. Kevon Rhiney at 418-2233.
This redevelopment project would be a breath of fresh air for downtown Kingston. Downtown Kingston is full of culture and history and this new development should make it look as such.
I can’t wait for downtown Kingston to be developed and look like a capital’s downtown should look. It is such a shame to drive from the airport thru downtown and see the state it is in. I am so proud to be a Jamaican, but embarassed of the capital and sending friends to the Island and have the feedback I get from the downtown area.