The View From The SoapboxVideos

Jamaica’s Own Malcolm Gladwell on Spaghetti Sauce

Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell investigates the food industry’s pursuit of the perfect spaghetti sauce — and makes a point about the nature of choice and happiness.

This is an interesting talk on the beauty of human variability and how just one type of spaghetti sauce just won’t do.

Malcolm Gladwell, born of a Jamaican mother, is a writer for The New Yorker and best-selling author.

For more on Malcolm Gladwell.

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  1. massage
    April 2, 2013 at 9:40 pm —

    Well it worked for me. Just two men and their machine. Simple, to the point, no modern day flash n cool or attempts at post modern irony. What I’m really hoping for out of this season is a battle for the ages; between the wounded but wily veteran, a true legend no matter what, but one who is very hungry to bow with sporting dignity, and the in his prime heir apparant, now firmly established in his own right and plainly the truest test Rossi has ever had. Same equipment, no B.S, winner takes all, including historical pecking order amongst the Gods of motorcycle racing. That’s the potential I see in the coming season and what I see spoken to in this video.

  2. Anonymous
    September 22, 2010 at 10:22 am —

    Yes, I thought this was fascinating too! Also, especially as I worked in the Jamaican food industry…

  3. Stuart
    September 21, 2010 at 4:08 pm —

    Thank you. This is a very interesting talk.

    P.S. I didn’t know this guy had a Jamaican mother.

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