Worth A Visit

A Few Portland Sights

Boston Bay - The view from Great Huts Eco Resort, Portland (more on Great Huts later...)

I was in Portland over the weekend hanging out with friends and family.  

Portland, mainly in and around Port Antonio, is one of my favourite spots for a “getaway from Kingston” weekend as many who read this blog regularly will already know.

Here are some of the reasons why…

Great Huts beach, it's rocky but cool still- photo by Steve Urchin

Port Antonio’s harbour in the afternoon

The view from the pool at Great Huts Eco Resort, Boston Bay, Portland
Portland's rugged cliffs coastline
Redselecter, AKA Christopher Edmonds at Long Bay, the beach was almost empty that day...


Poolside, San San Tropez, a small hotel in San San, Portland - a great small hotel with affordable rates right across the road from Frenchman's Cove!


Design by Sydney Wilson

More photos coming….

For more on things to do in Portland see 10 Absolutely Must Do Things in Portland Part 2

& Part 1

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  1. February 8, 2012 at 5:28 pm —

    Love Portland. The natural beauty is breath taking!

  2. Anonymous
    January 9, 2012 at 9:42 am —

    You are most welcome! It would be a great place to retire!

  3. Colette
    January 9, 2012 at 4:09 am —

    I adore Portland. Hope to retire there someday. Thanks for sharing Karin.

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