Worth A Visit

Have You Been To Maggotty, St. Elizabeth?

Black River, Maggotty
Black River, Maggotty

Introducing Maggotty.

According to the Lonely Planet, “Maggotty is a forgettable town with an unforgettable name, laid out on a bend of the Black River at the western end of the Siloah Valley.

It thinks of itself as a sleepy regional center, but it can also be a viable base for exploring YS Falls and the Appleton Rum Estate. Plus, Maggotty is the closest base for trips into the Black River Gorge, a rocky rent in the jungle speckled with 28 pretty waterfalls and intermittent natural swimming pools.

The name, by the way, can be attributed to the missionary Rev John Hutch, who named Maggotty after his English birthplace”.

Maggotty, St. Elizabeth
The sleepy town of Maggotty, St. Elizabeth, on the edge of the Cockpit Country (see the “cockpits” in the distance?)


Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/jamaica/southern-jamaica/maggotty#ixzz3PKZFrbSN

Apple Valley Park, Maggotty, St. Elizabeth
Apple Valley Park, Maggotty, St. Elizabeth – worth a visit for sure!


Maggotty is home to the Apple Valley Park, one of the hidden gems in Maggotty. The park features an 18th-century home, a manicured lake, an artificial pool and a forest reserve that stretches to the Black River Gorge. You can kayak, paddleboat,  hike or just relax!

This 169-hectare family nature park is not open all the time so check first.

Old train station in Maggotty, St. Elizabeth
Old train station in Maggotty, St. Elizabeth
Kids swimming in pool at Apple Valley Park, Maggotty, St. Elizabeth
Kids swimming in pool at Apple Valley Park, Maggotty, St. Elizabeth

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/jamaica/southern-jamaica/maggotty/sights/parks-gardens/apple-valley-park-3-1425035#ixzz3PKaOH5Su

Local fruit wines
Local Maggotty resident who makes his own fruit wines! He’s got quite a selection there and samples are complimentary!
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1 Comment

  1. Melissa
    August 5, 2019 at 8:28 pm —

    Hi good night,are u open tomorrow?

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