Worth A Visit

The Best Seafood In Ocho Rios Is @ Fishermen’s Beach

Lobster, roast fish, bammy, festival...

Lobster, roast fish, bammy, festival…

For the best seafood you can find in Ochi, try Dave’s Lobster Shack at Fishermen’s Beach- pretty much all the lobster you can eat and then some… We paired the lobster with some grilled Grouper fillets and a healthy (if such a word can be used in this context) serving of festival and bammy. “Yum” is possibly the only word that adequately describes our feast.

Fishermen’s Beach is the first right turn after Island Village when you’re leaving Ochi- you pass the entrance to Columbus Heights and then immediately look out for the entrance. In reality, there is a bit of beach (not for bathing), and a ramshackle collection of buildings and huts, and so much food goodness you’ll wish you’d brought a spare stomach…

Chef Dave

Chef Dave

Entering the Fishermen's Beach complex... a bit chaotic but worth it

Entering the Fishermen’s Beach complex… a bit chaotic but worth it

Dave's is in the back on the water

Dave’s is in the back on the water

The view from Dave's

The view from Dave’s

A sting ray came by to say hi 2 feet from shore

A sting ray came by to say hi 2 feet from shore

Kids at play on the beach

Kids at play on the beach

The view of the pier

The view of the pier

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  1. April 23, 2010 at 7:21 pm —

    We’ll have to check that one out! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. peter wilander
    April 23, 2010 at 4:04 pm —

    Tropical Vibes Seafood Bar and Restaurant -the first upstairs and downstairs building on your left on entering Fisherman’s Beach is the best seafood restaurant on the north coast -not only in ocho rios.

  3. February 17, 2010 at 9:52 am —

    great pics!

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