Worth A Visit

Wait-a-Bit, Trelawny

Wait a-Bit- is a quiet little community located in upper Trelawny.

According to the Cockpit Country Jamaica  website, “the enigmatic little town of Wait-a-Bit in Trelawny is located at the edge of the Cockpit Country and is home to the Forestry Department regional office, the Cockpit Country Discovery Centre and the first Cockpit Country Local Forest Management Committee office and gift shop.

It is also a major gateway to the Cockpit County yam-producing belt.

The area borrows its namesake from the wait-a-bit thorn, a plant said to have been brought to the island by African slaves.

In Africa, this hardy thorn is often used for hedges to protect against wild animals”.

In addition to the town’s unique name, the area is beautiful and green, serene with hilly views of the Trelawny countryside.

The area is known for its beautiful rivers and fertile soil which results in lush vegeation, a wide variety of fruit trees and the cultivation of many different crops.


Below is the Forestry Department office in the town with information on Jamaica’s Cockpit Country.

I was in the area for a meeting of the Local Forest Management Committee, a group of community persons who are responsible for the management and preservation of the forests in the region.

There were lots of pine trees…

Little critters…

Wild flowers…

That I couldn’t resist.

Wait-a-Bit is worth a visit.




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  1. Phillip Wilson
    September 16, 2019 at 9:37 am —

    Wait A Bit, what a lovely place. My name is Phillip Wilson, born and grown in Wait A Bit. Seeking persons to get together to discuss how we may assist the Wait A Bit primary school. All past students to get involved. My email is willyp_21@hotmail.com. A tour of the entire cockpit country would be in order.

  2. Oneil Linton
    June 24, 2019 at 10:03 pm —

    The pictures where taken in Litchfield not Wait-a-Bit, i am from Litchfield and had the opportunity of building my vacation home next to where the pictures where taken. I use to play in the forest when i was a kid. lovely place.

  3. Ann Wilson
    January 18, 2016 at 3:02 pm —

    my mother was born in Wait-A-Bit, if anyone knows about Violet Evadney Lee, father was Charles Lee, Mother was Ida Green please let me know, or know where I can look at birth records there. making plans to go in july

  4. Valerie anderson
    October 10, 2015 at 11:09 pm —

    My dad was from wait a bit looking to connect with the anderson/Blake family

    • Ike Anderson
      November 2, 2015 at 8:43 pm —

      Hello Valerie,

      My family is from wait a bit also and we share the same name. Let’s connect and see if there is any relations..

    • Erica
      October 20, 2016 at 3:25 am —

      hi Valerie
      I’m related to the Blakes and Myers in Wait-a-Bit and Litchfield.
      Wondering if we are related. I have a family tree on ancestry.com under the name djerica.



      • Petulia Blake
        June 27, 2017 at 7:11 pm —

        I am a Blake, grew up in Litchfield, Wait-A-Bit.

    • Charmaine Blake
      July 21, 2018 at 2:13 am —

      I am looking to uncover my family tree. My family has the Blake Surname.

  5. carla
    October 19, 2014 at 10:32 pm —

    my grandma is from wait a bit i would love to see my aunty my family name is rose from wait-a-bit

  6. Zoe
    September 17, 2012 at 2:08 pm —

    Will be visiting my partners birthplace next July. He left as a 12 year old. Looking forward to experiencing the real Jamaica.

  7. michelle
    May 22, 2012 at 4:08 pm —

    Had my first visit on May 16. It was nice.

  8. April 30, 2012 at 10:58 am —

    Proud to say I’m from Wait-A-Bit; and I am happy to know you visited that little town. I am planning to go there for a revival sometime this year. I love the pictures that you took from there, they are very beautiful.

    Thanks for your visit to Jamaica.

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