7 Great Yoga Studios in Kingston – Where To Do Yoga in Jamaica?

Where can you do yoga in Jamaica? Lots of places!
Yoga seems to be growing by leaps and bounds in Jamaica! There seems to be new yoga studios constantly popping up in and around Kingston.
Firstly, I have to let you know that I’m a yoga instructor and I teach at various studios in Kingston. I also teach one on one, small groups and host a wide variety of wellness events.
For more information on me and what I do here’s where you can find me:
Here’s my list of yoga studios that offer a range of yoga classes in and around Kingston! Any I’m forgetting? Please add!
(Updated July 2020)

I now teach a weekly Gentle Yoga with Karin Zoom Class every Tuesday at 5:30 pm ET.
Email me at karinyogalife@gmail.com for how to join us!
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Due to COVID many of these offerings may have changed so please confirm with the locations their current offerings.
1. Afya Yoga Studios – One of my all time favourites! Afya has an indoor/outdoor vibe with their studio looking out onto a beautiful garden! Afya offers a range of yoga and pilates classes with great teachers. Yoga classes include gentle yoga, vinyasa, and core yoga. Afya also offers a variety of health and wellness related events, workshops, meditation sessions, etc.
Website: https://www.afyajamaica.com/
Afya Yoga Studio, Kingston, Jamaica
2. TrueSelf Centre of Being – A medium sized indoor space though with lots of nice windows. TrueSelf offers a variety of classes at reasonable prices. Some classes are “pay what you can afford” while others are a set price. TrueSelf is a great wellness community offering lots of different wellness related happenings.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueSelfJamaica
3. Bikram Yoga Studio – Though I’m not a fan of Bikram (hot) yoga, there are those who love it.
Website: http://bikramyogajamaica.com/
4. Yoga Angels – Home to Yoga Angels, run by Subhadra Bowman, CEO.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YogaAngels108/
5. YahSun Fitness – Fairly new on the local scene, YahSuh Fitness offers a variety of fitness and yoga classes. Check them out on IG: https://www.instagram.com/yahsuhfitness/
6. Jival Yoga – offers yoga in Portmore.
7. Hard End Fitness Factory – This is a new gym in Kingston now offering yoga.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/hardendfitnessfactory/
8. Liguanea Club also offers weekly Kundalini yoga classes.
Now counting, there’s 8 yoga spaces on the list!
Check out a great resource – Yoga In Jamaica on Instagram – offering the daily schedule of yoga classes in Jamaica, as well as addresses, contact info and prices for all these yoga studios! Thanks Yoga in Jamaica!
There are new locations popping up all the time, please leave a comment below if I’ve left someone/some place off the list. Thanks!!
There are also lots of yoga teachers doing interesting yoga retreats and other related yoga events in Jamaica.
Feel free to comment about your favourite yoga spaces in Kingston and in other parts of Jamaica.
Also feel free to share what’s happening in your yoga world, classes, events, retreats, etc!
Happy yoga!
I would like information on your beginner class
Hi Sonya,
You can email me at ourbanyantribe.com for more info or feel free to call me at 564-7559.
My Thursday morning class is great for beginners. It’s a gentle class where we focus on building strength, flexibility and balance working with our bodies where we are.
Happy to talk to you some more so feel free to reach out to me.